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It’s Even in Steering Wheels

In the article “Is It Possible to Assemble a Car with Glue?” by, they further explain adhesive applications in vehicles, “Using glue in auto manufacturing isn't a way to cut corners or make an inferior car. Modern types of adhesives offer a lot of engineering advantages over traditional methods of fastening two parts together. In fact, adhesives usually form a bond stronger than the materials they're bonding together. Adhesives could be the solution to building lighter, more efficient cars, and when new materials such as carbon composites are used, adhesives might be the only way to bond them as carbon fiber panels cannot be welded together.”

Clearly automotive adhesives have many advantages over other fastening methods, they handle stress and vibration much better than welds or rivets. Adhesives are also lighter in weight and can be evenly distributed offering more flexibility, weather resistance and better impact resistance. Plus, adhesives are unaffected by outside temperature ranges. sums it up best: “As auto designers explore new technologies and new materials, we may see the use of adhesives skyrocket in the next few years. Even so, there will probably always be a place on the assembly line for a welder.”

HAR Adhesive Technologies

HAR Adhesive Technologies
60 South Park Street, Bedford, OH 44146

Phone: 440-786-7185
Fax: 440-786-7186

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