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Software Developed by HAR Adhesive Technologies To Advance Our Customer’s Experience

HAR Adhesive Technologies is excited to announce the development of our new Employee Knowledge Center (EKC). We are most proud of the fact that this software was designed exclusively for HAR to enhance our customer’s experience and overall satisfaction by institutionalizing what we do well and creating a platform for innovation. Specifically, the EKC is a dynamic web-based HAR employee information database that includes over 400 of our detailed operations, performance standards and all our policies and procedures.

This new software supports our vision to be a Systems Driven Business. The intention of being systems-driven is to maintain consistent replication and predictability of all activities in the business. Our purpose is to have a workplace where each day every employee knows exactly what is expected and exactly how to achieve the expected result. We want to ensure that our sales representatives know how to develop a more significant relationship with a customer, that our customer service department knows how to please each customer every time, and that our batch makers and warehousemen produce and ship the same quality product, on time, every time.

EKC is a tool where employees can easily access, create, edit and improve their operations in addition to understanding and acknowledging their job responsibilities and our company policies. If you have ever read our company story, you would know why we value each customer relationship and what drives us to treat every relationship as special. As such, we are continually building a company where each and every employee always knows what to do, how to do it and, most importantly, how to improve it so that we can always fulfill our promise to our customers “to offer adhesive and adhesive equipment solutions beyond your imagination.”

To know more about our EKC, please contact the sales representative in your region who would be happy to show you this road map to how we operate our business. To learn more about our company and our commitment to our customers, please visit the About Us page.

Joe Cerino, President

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